Friday, February 1, 2013

Purging concurrent and Fixed Assets

If you have a realitively large application, you probably purge your concurrent request tables fairly frequently due to space limitations which most of the time is a benefit but I've recently found a reason that this can hurt you as well.  With the Fixed Assets module, the table fa_book_controls keeps track of the depreciation runs that the system or the users run and if many deprecation runs are being with some frequency there doesn't appear to be any issues.  The problem lies with infrequent deprecation runs when the last run happens and ends in error leaving the request_id populated in the table, and is subsequently then purged out of the tables by your regular concurrent purge processes.  By having this mass_request_id in the table, when either the Calculate Gains and Losses or Depreciation Run concurrent reports are run they will error out barking about how they can't find the previous request:

APP-OFA-48392: Unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQUEST_STATUS.

This doesn't sound too dire, but if your business is in the midde of trying to close their books and this crops up you need to be able to resolve the issue quickly.  Having encountered this situation several times, I've created the alert below to notify us if these conditions exist:

select mass_request_id, book_type_code
into &REQ_ID, &BOOK
from fa_book_controls
where mass_request_id is not null
and last_update_date < sysdate - (2/24)

The reason I am looking for a last_update_date greater than the past 2 hours is because this means the request has errored within the past few hours and while it is potentially a problem a few days from now this alert is giving us some lead time in fixing the issue.

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