Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2014 Edition: Day 3

As we continue on our feature "The 10 days of Blogging past" day 3 brings us the post "R12: Bouncing Workflow agent process" with 358 since it was posted in 2013.  This was not on the top 10 list last year, but it skyrocketed up the charts because I think this showcased a clear change in Support operations from the previous EBS version to R12 so a lot of other people were probably blindsided by this too.  This also continues a theme I posted about yesterday where changes in R12 are driving a lot of traffic to the blog as the 3rd entry in our list last year was "System Wait Events Part 2" with just 71 views.

If we count just this year, we continue the same trend of R12 ruling all as the entry "R12: Changes in GL_DAILY_RATES table" was a very simple update but it would have been listed today on the top 10 list of 2014 as it has received 201 hits since May!  This is an average of around 30 hits a month which you can see is roughly 1 hit per day since it was posted.  I have already learned that R12 seems to be very popular around here, but this also shows me that even the smallest changes can have a ripple effect out there in the community since there could be a lot of reasons this is impacting people and information is really important to spread out into the ecosystem!

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