Monday, December 22, 2014

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2014 Edition: Day 1

This year I am going to dust off my top 10 posts review feature "The 10 days of Blogging past", and 289 views gets the article "Concurrent:Active Request Limit (or how I finally learned to know what my system was saying)" as the first post, which is LAST place, on the top 10 list for 2014!  How does this compare to last year?  Well last year the top post of the year had only 170 views with this post being number 7 on the top 10 with just 126 views!  This post was a good learning lesson to start writing down even "simple" things I was running into on a daily basis, which also led me to stop taking things for granted and start researching these types of items.

What was the last post on the top 10 list last year?  I am glad you asked!  It was "Purging concurrent and Fixed Assets" and had only 60 views, so you can see how far the blog has come if there is an almost 5 time increase in page hits for #10 on the list last year compared to this year.

Speaking of this year, what was #10 on the list if I just had counted posts done this year?  The article "Selecting from too many tables hits Oracle DB bug on" would have taken the cake with 176 hits this year!  What is my take away from this article being on the pseudo top 10?  The famous ORA-600 error message either attracted a lot of attention, a lot of other people had the same idea I had to select from too many tables, or maybe people are upgrading to 11.2.03 and looking for future bugs.

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