Thursday, June 12, 2014

OOW14: Rejected!

I already shared something from Twitter this week, so what has hit me today and is on my mind a bit was the rejection for Oracle OpenWorld 2014 of all three of my proposals.  This is not a new feeling, as I was rejected last year too, but I think with the past year behind me I felt like I was ready to make another big jump like I have this year going from my first conference presentation for OAUG to my second presentation at the Hotsos Symposium.  Sure this means that I can focus on my next big project at work that I want to use for more material eventually, and that I don't have to rush any of my material together for the new proposals that are almost from scratch, yet I feel like I am going to miss such a great opportunity to learn and meet more people that have the same interests I do.  I am not giving up, next year I will be submitting again and between then and now are more conference opportunities like Hotsos and Collaborate where I might find the right stage again!

If you have had your proposal accepted for OpenWorld, this year or any other, what are some tips that you can give the rest of us that are trying to get our material chosen?

If you have had your proposal declined for OpenWorld, this year or another, what do you think are some reasons that you might not have been picked?

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