As you will see, today was pretty much all about me! :}
E-Business Suite Workflow SIG Meeting
I tried to sneak into the room and be a normal attendee, but current SIG Coordinator John Peters spotted me and made me sit at the table up front! This meant that I couldn't take too many notes, but you should visit the website in a day or too for the conference slides.
Other than that, the major announcement that started off the session was my promotion to SIG Coordinator taking John's place due to his time commitments at the moment. I promise to try my best here!
E-Business Suite Upgrade SIG Meeting
EBS R12.3 is expected 2019 at the earliest which is coming from Cliff Godwin, as they expect R12.2.7 this year and are planning a "year off" of releases in 2018, but that could change depending on other technologies that are in the works so R12.2.8 COULD come out at some point.
There was some very lively discussion about upgrading from 11.5.9 instance on Windows or if reimplementation is a better idea, which had the entire panel agreeing on something for the first time, that reimplementation is the preferred option.
Next up was lunch, and then instead of going to a session I took the hour off to practice for...
R12: Reducing the Data Footprint of Oracle E-Business Suite - Me!
Obviously I could copy and paste all of my slides here, but that just is not a lot of fun! I thought it went well with 20-25 people attending, and they seemed engaged and interested in the subject, so that was really great.
How Arby's Restructured Their GL Chart of Account Without Re-Implementing EBS: You Can Too - Matt Powell
This one should have said the answer was they contracted services from EiS Consulting and used a tool from eprentise to get this done since, other than that there was not a lot of meat to the presentation.
I did think it was interesting that they were trying to collapse 18 companies into a single unit but were having problems.
Reimplementation was going to be 500-750k, upgrade only 100k, which was a great motivator for not doing reimplementation.
Used eprentise to have FlexField software.
Created a one-time responsibility just to allow people to help with COA conversion, and I found this a good idea.
Leveraged SharePoint w/WebADI templates.
Summary Template deletion delayed by 18 hrs due to DB performance and then on top of that the Internet went out at their office!
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