Sunday, December 22, 2013

The 10 days of Blogging past: Day 2

Continuing on the new feature introduced yesterday, the second post we're going to review for the 10 days of Blogging past is "Disconnected Concurrent Manager" from 9/29/13 with 61 views.  Right off the bat, I notice that this post has been online for almost 8 months less than yesterday's but it has more views!  Why is that?  I believe it is absolutely due to the amount of error messages in the post and how many times the messages pop up for people in their daily lives which leads to them searching online for a fix.  Sure I had a clear example in the post from day one, but it is targeted at just the Fixed Assets module and this post has errors from a lot of different areas/modules so it has a wider appeal.  That's a lesson learned for me just now as I compare the posts!

So what if you aren't blogging, what can you get out of this review?  Well, great question!  Breaking this down a bit, I can see that the log and output files have some very clear indicators of a problem and that these indicators will probably crop up time and time again when you have similar problems.  Why is that a big deal?  Do you have any tools in your environment that can look at the log files?  If you do, can you fine-tune them to be looking for some of these errors and then alert you when they happen?

Fast forward a few months after this event, and the next time we had work planned for our network guess what?  We were a lot more conscious of how network outages/interruptions affected us, so we went the extra mile to protect ourselves from another such incident.  This is a take away that anybody can enjoy!

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