Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2014 Edition: Day 2

Continuing the 2014 edition of "The 10 days of Blogging past" we have today the blog post "R12: Problem with Expense Report Export Program" having 316 views already this year with it being put online February 2014!  What did I take away from this post, and the success of it?  There are a lot of R12 features (or bugs) which have not been shaken out of our system, and that a lot of other people are interested in!  Why so much interest?  Are people searching for potential problems ahead of implementation, are they encountering the bugs live like we are here, or is there a combination of both?  Just as with some of the new things I find with recent upgrades like NFS, Exadata, or, R12 is no different with the larger community pooling our resources and always searching out other solutions or problems that have been identified. 

Last year on the top 10, we had the post "Disconnected Concurrent Manager" with just 61 views so you can see a continued trend of more traffic to the blog this year but if we were measuring just 2014 posts then the article "Purge Inactive Sessions and HWM expectations" would be on our second day with 199 views.  This post was the result of some investigation on my part in QA about what I wanted to do in PROD, related to what my expectations were regarding how I thought purging data out and the HWM (High Water Mark) would be interacting.  It was really interesting because things did not happen the way I expected them to so I had a lot to say in the post as I learned quite a bit and obviously I think others are dealing with high volumes related to inactive sessions too!

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