Thursday, December 31, 2015

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2015 Edition: Day 10

On the final day of our feature the article with the most views all time here is R12: Application server craziness with 1719 page views and a closing ratio of 1:3.15!  Close on the heels of the overall winner this year is Leap seconds, Exadata, Oracle DB and Linux OS we featured yesterday as the second overall post with 1484 views and is clearly the winner this year with over a THOUSAND more views than the post before it!

The major thing I have taken away from this review is something that Jeff Smith brought up a few days ago on a LinkedIn post and he mentioned the notion of evergreen posts that retain their value for a great deal of time after they were posted.  Of the 10 overall posts I reviewed, 6 were about R12, 2 about Concurrent Manager, the other 2 were about DB issues, and only a single post was from this year!  Also from an overall total views perspective, last year I had just passed 40,000 and just a few days ago I passed 80,000 so still growing and more room to grow as well!
Overall view "winners" from past years on this day:

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2015 Edition: Day 9

We are almost done with our "The 10 days of Blogging past" for this year!  What an amazing journey huh?  Well tonight, we get to the post Leap seconds, Exadata, Oracle DB and Linux OS with an astonishing 1484 views over the past 9 months to take the runner-up spot in our overall view count contest!  If you are interested in the ratios, we are almost exactly 1:3 compared to last year so you can see the growth at the top end of the more popular articles on the site year over year.

Talking about just this year, the post 12c: High memory and CPU usage with ocssd.bin takes the runner-up spot with 415 views and I know a few views were actually one of my co-workers trying to investigate an issue they were having on a non-AIX system, and asked me for some insight on their issue since this was posted on my blog!  That was a nice little thrill, because I actually had somebody search for an issue and find my information as a top relevant hit on Google and I saw it right there on their screen!

Overall view "winners" from past years on this day:

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2015 Edition: Day 8

Tonight we start to kick the blog into high gear as the post R12 Payables: Invoice Workbench error APP-SQLAP-10108 when committing has received 1384 hits which compared to last year at this time is a ratio of 1:3.1 that clearly surpasses the 1:2 ratio we've been hovering around for most of the overall posts this year!  While we look at the posts from just this year the post Global enqueue process LCK0 hangs causing ORA-29770 error and instance crash had 280 hits which is quite low compared to the post on this day last year as our ratio looks like 1:.77 while 1:1 is what we had been averaging until the last few days BUT last year that post had been up for 10 months while this post had been up for less than 6 months!

Overall view "winners" from past years on this day:

Monday, December 28, 2015

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2015 Edition: Day 7

Tonight we see our 1:2 ratio compared to last year's overall post dip just a bit to 1:1.95 with the article Disconnected Concurrent Manager getting up to 851 hits and looking at just posts from this year R12: NACHA format problem drops leading zero comes in 7th today with just 273 views which is slightly lower than what we had in the yearly post for 2014!

Overall view "winners" from past years on this day:

Sunday, December 27, 2015

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2015 Edition: Day 6

The post What happens when your Concurrent Manager goes crazy? with 837 overall views sees our year-to-year ratio drop down just a bit to 1:2.1 from the 1:2.3 we saw yesterday and the yearly post Weekend Learning: ExaWatcher utility for Exadata received only 254 views which is a few views less than a 1:1 ratio compared to last year on this day in review!

Overall view "winners" from past years on this day:

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2015 Edition: Day 5

With tonight's overall post winner R12: Hiding the DQM Serial Sync Index Program having 828 views I am starting to see a upward trend compared to the overall numbers from last year as we are now with a 1:2.3 ratio instead of 1:2 like the past few days, so it will be interesting to see if that ratio keeps going up!  For the yearly post winner, Exadata has been released! I still see a 1:1 ratio compared to last year with 220 views this year and we will see if that continues for the rest of the year!

Overall view "winners" from past years on this day:
EDIT 12/27:  Minor formatting update.

Friday, December 25, 2015

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2015 Edition: Day 4

I hope you all got the presents you were looking for today on Christmas!!  Tonight, I'll make it short and sweet with the articles R12: Problem with Expense Report Export Program and Weekend Learning: EBS R12.2.4 and OAF applications posts with 786 overall views and 213 views this year!

Overall view "winners" from past years on this day:

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2015 Edition: Day 3

Continuing the year end review, the post with 696 overall views so far is R12: Credit Card Information and looking at just the past year we have the article ZFS Storage Appliance and Solaris can see write performance degradation when filesystem is almost full having been viewed 179 times this year where we see the same trends mentioned yesterday with the overall increasing twofold while the yearly count is trending slightly lower than last year

Overall view "winners" from past years on this day:

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2015 Edition: Day 2

Visting our overall statistics tonight we have the post Why the wait event "SQL*Net message from dblink" can suddenly increase for no reason with 623 views and if we were just looking at this year the post of the day would be Exadata: ExaWatcher archives new files instead of old files having just 166 views!  What kind of lesson am I taking away from this?  On this day last year I had half as many hits for the overall, but the yearly hits actually went down just a tad, so there are multiple trends here which will be interesting to see how they hold up as we go through the next few days!

Overall view "winners" from past years on this day:

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The 10 days of Blogging past - 2015 Edition: Day 1

Coming back from a small hiatus, I return to a classic feature here at the blog with "The 10 days of Blogging past" and on our first night is the post R12: Bouncing Workflow agent process with 591 views which has actually been slipping down in the rankings as it was on the 5th night in 2013, 3rd night in 2014, and now the very 1st night this year!  What if we just looked at posts from this year you ask?  Well, the article Oracle Linux: No buffer space available would be the post tonight with just 141 views so far this year!

Overall view "winners" from past years on this day:

Friday, December 11, 2015

R12 Payables: Performance issue with Invoice Workbench and Validation

I often post about performance issues, and even have posted about similar issues in Payables, but tonight on MOS you should look at "REL12 AP: Performance Issue During Invoice Validation at DELETE FROM ZX_REC_NREC_DIST" from article ID 1531928.1 to add this to your testing suites!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Exadata disk drives in Storage Servers at risk for increased failures and performance issues

If you have Exadata in your environment I think you need to take a look at this newest MOS alert "(EX25) Disk drives in Exadata storage servers may experience increasing number of failures, unrecoverable media errors, confinement, and higher levels of read data latencies" via note ID 2073916.1 because several different versions of Exadata are affected by this issue with High Performance disk drives!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

R12: How to configure Workflow Notification Mailer to use Cloud servers

If you are on EBS R12 you probably need to look at the "Configuring an Oracle Workflow Notification Mailer with Cloud E-Mail Servers" document 2077434.1 on MOS to find out how you take your application to the next level!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

R12 Assets: ORA-20001 and XLA-95103 errors on the Asset Workbench

Hoping to make a return to regular blog postings, tonight it might your time to read "R12 Asset Workbench Errors With ORA-20001 XLA-95103: An internal error occurred" from My Oracle Support note 1590451.1 to prepare your own alerts just in case the data matches this pattern of being in multiple books so you can get ahead of any issues!!

Monday, December 7, 2015

COLLABORATE 16: Accepted for MULTIPLE presentations!!

Last year I had a great experience at the COLLABORATE conference put on by OAUG so this year I was really excited to submit abstracts again and caught by complete surprise when I was accepted for TWO presentations with the third being accepted as an alternate as well!!  There is so much to do and see at a conference like this, from SIGs (Special Interest Groups), GEOs (Geographic regional groups), different ways to interface with Oracle, extra workshop sessions, not to mention all of the awesome presenters with so MUCH content out there!!

Make sure that you register for the conference today to take advantage of Early Bird Pricing through the end of February, and using up any leftover educational funds for the year to make plans for Vegas in April!!